2024大手牽小手活動 「台南文化之旅_井仔腳瓦盤鹽田」
2024 HANDS TOGETHER PROJECT 「Tainan Cultural Trip _ Jing Zhai Jiao Tile Pave Salt Fields」
一、日期 Date:2024/04/20 (Sat)
二、時間 Time:08:00-17:00
三、地點 Location:井仔腳瓦盤鹽田jing Zhai Jiao Tile Pave Salt Fields
四、主辦單位 Host:臺南慈濟高中 Tzu Chi Senior High School
五、報名截止日 Application Deadline:2024/03/17 (Sun)
| 成大集合、前往井仔腳瓦盤鹽田 Meet At Ncku
And Head To Jing Zhai Jiao Tile Pave Salt Fields
09:20-11:00 | 井仔腳瓦盤鹽田 Jing Zhai Jiao Tile Pave Salt Fields
11:00-12:00 | 前往慈濟高中 Head To Tzu
Chi Senior High School
12:00-13:00 | 午餐 Lunch
13:00-13:40 | 雙方學生介紹 Introduction From Both Sides
13:40-14:00 | 慈濟校園參觀 Tzu Chi Senior High School Campus Tour
14:00-16:00 | 春捲diy活動 Diy Activity: Spring Roll
| 回饋及交流 Feedback & Share
16:20-17:00 | 返校 Back to NCKU
七、志願者招募 Volunteer recruitment:
We are looking for 4 students from NCKU who would like to volunteer to introduce their country. You will need to prepare a 5-minute presentation on a topic related to your university, culture, food, festival, etc. If we receive more than 4 volunteers, the participants will be chosen by drawing straws.
八、其他事項 Notice:
Tzu Chi Senior High School is a Buddhist school. The lunch will be vegetarian.
九、聯絡資訊 Contact Information:
王思皓小姐 Ms. Ssu Hao Wang
Email: 11102025@gs.ncku.edu.tw